ATBRE Services

Got Land to Sell?


Raw Land

Though the market for land sales in this area has been quite erratic through most of the past 6-8 months, new interest appears to be emerging as time passes.

If the parcel you have saved for future use no longer appears to meet your needs, please let me know where it is. I’ll get back to you straight away with the best estimate I can offer you at this time so you can benefit from an immediate sale. 

Remember that I include a FREE VIDEO in all my marketing and promotions for every listing I take, whether it is Rowland, a Farm, or a beautiful home. 

I’ll be happy to send you free information regarding the parcel of land you may be thinking about selling at this time. No one will callyou, and you are NOT creating any obligation whatsoever by responding to this offer of FREE INFORMATION. Simply fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you straight away.